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Why I started Arcadia Rodentry...

This is my most commonly asked question, and I think it is a very important one to ask a breeder when you plan on adopting.


Arcadia Rodentry was started as a dedication, a movement, to honor a rat and share my story. I decided to create my rattery after the tragic passing of one of my does. I had purchased her from a local chain pet store, which ultimately caused her death. See, pet stores do not properly care for their rats and do not stock them from ethical breeders. This causes the rats they sell to have a diverse amount of illnesses and often temperament issues. not to mention, buying from pet stores only encourages colony style, mass, over production.
The rat I had purchased had caught a severe respiratory infection from the terrible living conditions she had been forced to live in at the pet store, and she couldn't be helped. She had also been taken away from her mother too young, and was living with numerous intact males.
She passed away a weak after I got her.

I learned an important lesson about adopting rats that day: source them from reliable breeders who breed according to good practice and truly care about the health and happiness of their rats. 
But I know not all rat lovers understand the risk of buying a "pet store rat". My goal is to spread the word and have people adopt from ethical, professional ratteries instead. Rodents make amazing pets, and they should be bred with just as much care and dedication as any larger animal. Buying from ratteries is better for both rats and humans!

Since 2021 we have taken the name Arcadia Rodentry, taking to heart the meaning of the word arcadia: idyllically simple and joyous, a piece of untroubled wilderness. A utopia.

While we are still relatively new, we strive to breed to the best practices of the hobby! 


About AR: About
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