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Adoption Process


Please keep in mind that I only adopt out rats that are ready to leave the rattery. Kits must be at least seven weeks of age (typically older), in good health, and socially mature. Kits undergo wellness and temperament exams throughout their lives and must "pass" before being put up for adoption.
Reservations are typically made when kits are six weeks old, and there is no additional cost to reserve your intended kits. However,  at any point I have the right to cancel or alter your reservation.

To Reserve:

Pictures of kits available for reservation will be posted on my Facebook page. They will clearly show appearance, and will include sex, AR code/name for identification, and variety.
Once they are posted, approved adopters will be able to private message me letting me know which rats they intend to reserve (the plural is important! Do not message to reserve one rat that interests you and message again later for the other rat(s)--message me once with all rats you would like to reserve please. This keeps things running smoothly.). I will note under each photo once the rat has been reserved.
I cannot guarantee you will get the rat(s) that interest you. Someone may have messaged moments before you asking to reserve the same rat and I had not had time to update the FB post. I also cannot guarantee you will get a rat at all from said litter, as I have many people wanting rats.
Reservation acts on a complete first come first serve basis. As long as you have completed the adoption questionnaire and I have approved it via email/messenger, then you are permitted to reserve kits as soon as you like.

As the kits grow I will continue to update adopters. Feel free to check in for updates and extra photos whenever :)

Rats are only sold in same sex pairs or more, never singles. I do not usually allow people to adopt both males and females.

Once you have read my website in full, you can apply to be a potential adopter!
To apply for our rats, please email me ( or message me via FB messenger. I will send along the adoption questionnaire, and ALL questions must be filled out to be considered. Every question must be answered 100% truthfully, or you will be denied immediately and permanently. If I cannot trust you to answer some questions, I cannot trust you with one of my precious furbabies.
AR holds the right to refuse adoption to anyone at any point along the road. Respect this. The rats' health and happiness is always top priority for me; I will always do what I think is best for them.

A pick up date will be decided on between the both of us. Please understand that it is pick up only, I will not deliver and I will not meet. At this time I am not interested in shipping or using transport companies. AR is a CLOSED RATTERY, meaning the public cannot come inside the rat room; this is done as a biosecurity measure and is for the health and safety of our rats.
No shows result in denial of adoption, unless I am contacted in advance for valid reasons.
Upon pick up bring a carrier for your new rats, not a cardboard box. Do not bring any rats you currently own along with you. Adopters will physically sign an adoption contract upon pick up here at the rattery. 
We are located in Baxters Harbour, Canning, Nova Scotia. Exact address will be suppled once a pick up date is determined.

When you bring your new rats home it is best to get them settled right away. Place them into their new cage with food and water, perhaps an old piece of your clothing, and avoid handling them excessively for 12-24 hours. Let them calm down and get used to their very new surroundings. During this time, sit beside the cage and talk to them, offer them yummy treats like yogurt. This teaches them to trust you and associate you with a positive reward.
After they are settled into their new environment, I suggest holding them as much as possible. This style of bonding process has always worked very well for me. You can have them ride your shoulder, or sit in a hoodie pocket while cleaning, reading, walking, eating, watching TV, etc. Just about any activity, your rats will love to be with you! My past rats have always made excellent "study buddies", and enjoy relaxing with me in bed or on the couch.  Rats can also be very playful, so playing games with them might be something they enjoy. I have had rats who liked chasing pencils, having their belly tickled, and exploring around the house. Rats are very smart and love enrichment items too. All rats have their own personalities, and watching them grow and develop is a beautifully rewarding.

If you already own other rats, it is ALWAYS recommended to quarantine your new rats from your old ones for a minimum of two weeks. Quarantine means separate cages, separate rooms, washing hands in between handling the groups. This prevents spreading of sickness and is recommended for any animal actually. It is always good to monitor new pets as the transition from one house to another can be very stressful for some. If you do not quarantine, it becomes near impossible to figure out which rat(s) the issues arose from.

Adoption process: About
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