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The rats at AR are monitored consistently from birth to adoption or death. If I notice any signs of illness they are treated as soon as possible. We have an array of rat prescribed and safe medicine. If a rat needs to see a veterinarian, they will.
AR rats are never adopted out knowingly ill; that deeply goes against my morals and our rattery's ethics. I pride myself in the care I give my rats, including health care. I make sure each rats is sound before leaving the rattery to the best of my knowledge. 
Arcadia Rodentry is not liable for any disease or illness picked up from our rats. Once the rats leave AR we can no longer guarantee their pathogenic health as they are no longer in our care. Please understand this.

Our original five breeders were sourced from the highly regarded Georgian Bay Rattery in 2022. They have produced 17+ generations at the time of adoption, so they know their lines very well! 
GBR rats are truly "top drawer" quality, and we are beyond proud to continue their spectacular lineage here at AR as the only dwarf rat breeder in all of Nova Scotia. 

My rats are fed a hand mixed feed following the highly regarded Shunamite diet. They also receive all natural supplements like chaga and turmeric. This diet insures my rats have everything they need nutritionally, while still getting to act on natural rat instincts like hulling seeds and foraging. They are also given fresh fruit/veg, yogurt, and proteins like egg, fish chicken regularly. 
Expecting and lactating mums are given additional protein and calcium.

My rats are housed in a DCN and other similar style cages. Babies are born in well ventilated bin cages or small wired cages to keep them safe and secure. My rats have hammocks, tunnels, ropes, huts, dig bins, wheels, and foraging toys to occupy their time, along with human interaction.

Death/Illness Policy:

If your rat purchased from Arcadia Rodentry passes away within the first four weeks of the pick up date you are entitled to a full refund, IF the rat passes away due to genetic/breeding implications. To prove that the cause of the rat(s) health issues were the breeder’s fault and not the adopters', a licensed veterinarian’s written documentation must be supplied to the breeder at the adopter’s expense. If the veterinarian can confirm that the issues were caused by the breeder (ex. traced back to prenatal causes) a refund be given.

If the adopter does not properly quarantine their new rats from their existing rats, the death/illness policy is null and void*

Policies & Contract: About

Adoption Contract

As an adopter of a rat(s) from Arcadia Rodentry, you (the adopter) must sign this contract to ensure a list of things:

            1. You will never under any circumstances purposely and knowingly hurt your rat or put it in harm's way.

a. This is mostly self explanatory. Animal abuse in any sense is not acceptable. Feeding the rat(s) to other animals falls into this category.


2. You will never breed your rat or enter it in a breeding program, as it is being sold as a pet rat and not as breeding stock.

a. This is very important. Not all pet quality rats are breeder quality, and not all people are capable of ethically breeding rats. There is a lot that goes into it. Our lines are still relatively new to us, so having adopters start breeding them would do much more harm than good.

b. If you do breed your rat(s), they must be returned to Arcadia Rodentry as soon as possible. If you breed your rats you completely forfeit your right to them as it is a breach of contract, and the rat(s) then belong to Arcadia Rodentry.


     3. You will supply your rat with a proper home with adequate care and attention in all aspects.

a. This includes proper caging, bedding, feed, fresh water, health care, being kept indoors, proper temperature, physical attention, mental stimulation, cage mates, etc.


    4. You will never neglect your rat, and if you cannot care for/afford it you will return it to Arcadia Rodentry, or give it to someone who is able to properly accommodate it.

a. Things can happen to cause adopters to become unable to care for their rat(s) even if they could when initially adopting them. If you cannot care for them they must be moved to someone who can. It is unethical to keep any animal you cannot properly care for.

b. If the adopter is to rehome the rats at any point in their lives they must let Arcadia Rodentry know before doing so.


  5. You will understand how to properly care for a rat before purchasing one from Arcadia Rodentry.

a. This is not to say you must be an expert in rat care, it is just to ensure that your rats will be properly cared for from the moment you take them home. Pet owners need to know how to care for their new pets prior to bringing them home for the animal’s safety.

6. You will understand and take responsibility for all the risks associated with owning rodents.

a. You agree and are aware of the risks associated with owning small rodents (bites, RBF, Seoul, etc.), even as rare as they are. All financial responsibility is yours once the rats leave our care, and AR will not be held liable for any illnesses, damages, or expenses that occur once they leave our property.

Policies & Contract: Welcome
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